Servicing Australia wide HR consulting for employers Australia wide.

Subscription vs. bespoke HR: which is better?

Yo there employer X, thanks for your question on subscription vs. bespoke HR.

Good timing actually…recently we’ve brought on board new clients who have provided us their stories on choosing a HR Consultant. It’s been interesting listening to reasons these guys initially approached subscription-based workplace relations companies and why they’ve then made the decision to sign up with a bespoke HR service like Bare Bones Consulting.

Typically, employers are attracted to subscription-based providers by the following promoted benefits:

  • fixed price subscription allows a business to budget for a monthly or annual fee
  • claim of “no hidden costs”
  • large pool of workplace advisors on call
  • depth of offerings ranging from HR documents, employment relations services, legal representation and HR/workplace health and safety knowledge resources

All good from my perspective although if I was a business owner considering an external HR provider I’d ask the following prior to handing over my hard earned cash: 

  • will I be provided unlimited advice and documents in my annual subscription?
  • what is not included?
  • are the employment documents you provide tailored to my business and how do you defined “tailored”?
  • who are the people answering your advice line calls and what are their HR qualifications?
  • can I have a dedicated Account Manager so I deal with someone who knows my business?

Subscription-based providers typically have a range of pricing structures but it’s not uncommon for a business of 10 employees to be looking at annual subscriptions from around of $8,500 for a basic service to over $14,000 for something more comprehensive.

There’s little doubt subscription-based services have their place, particularly for busy business owners who simply want a generic “set and forget” solution. That said, initial subscription costs are a significant outlay and, much like private health insurance and their often unwanted “extras”, you might find yourself paying for services you’ll never use.

With Bare Bones, we don’t offer a subscription service. Our HR documents and advice are genuinely tailored to you because we take the time to understand you, your business objectives, employees and operating environment. We provide costs up front so nothing is ever a surprise and you just pay for what you use. We don’t expect you to fit in with our business model; we fit into yours…and we believe that’s exactly how it should be: simple, value for money and right for you.

Call us today or contact us here to find out more. 

  • PO Box 3956,
    Burleigh Town 4220,
  • 07 5576 4693
  • 0401 279 065
  • Bare Bones Consulting

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Give Bare Bones Consulting a call to discuss our range of HR services to help your business succeed.

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We believe our approach to HR is unique... but then again, so is your business.

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Note: Bare Bones Consulting provides HR services for employers. Employees seeking advice on workplace concerns should contact the Fair Work Infoline on 13 13 94.