Servicing Australia wide HR consulting for employers Australia wide.

Getting HR right: the hard road or the smart one

When it comes to getting HR right, you can take the hard road or the smart one. Here’s what you should consider if you like the second option.

As a HR Consultant, I’m typically contacted by employers falling into two groups:

  1. Ones who know what they want; or
  2. those who don’t.

Helping the first group is generally simple. They’ve identified their immediate challenge, we help solve it and they move on.

When I meet employers in the second group, many readily admit they’re not sure what they might need. They know they need some type of working HR function and often, their concerns are around “doing the wrong thing”: they’ve read about the costs of legal proceedings in employer/employee conflicts. The Fair Work Ombudsman “News and media releases” page is full of articles on the penalties for employers who fail to comply with the Fair Work Act 2009…but where should an employer start?

Some turn to Google for solutions. While Google can be great, the downside is wading through the huge amount of information to locate what you really need. Approaching HR consultancy firms can be equally confusing; often these guys pressure you to commit to a lock-in subscription contract before you actually start. Fellow business owners can be a great source of information but again, more information may not necessarily equate to the right information for you.

Here’s the thing… every business is unique. Even employers operating in the same sector will have employees of different ages, motivators and results-orientation. Got a bunch of 20-somethings? You’re probably going to require at least one policy associated with social media and acceptable use of technology and devices at work. 30+ employee age group? These guys often seek flexible working arrangements for a better work/life balance. Less experienced Team Leaders? You might need some professional development training to help them succeed. What you really need is a HR function that’s right for you…not the business across the road.

So don’t Google your HR needs in the hope you’ll find the right solution: GET the right solution. Find a HR partner with the skills and experience to design documents or a HR function for you that’s simple, smart and that works.

And the result when you have the right HR function in place? No rocket science here…you’ll rest easy, for a start. You’ll have time to focus on growing your business…or investing time in yourself.

You’ll have up to date employee records and workplace policies that are simple, relevant to your business, current and well communicated. Your people will know what their job is, have the skills to do it well, your Team Leaders will confidently and effectively deal with their team members’ workplace problems and your employee turnover will go down. Things go wrong less often and on the odd time they do, it’s fixable: quickly, less dramas and less cost.

Sound good? Welcome aboard Bare Bones Consulting’s vision for your business.  We’ve helped others achieve genuine results and we can help you get there too. And we can start off slow. We know that’s how some smart people like it.

  • PO Box 3956,
    Burleigh Town 4220,
  • 07 5576 4693
  • 0401 279 065
  • Bare Bones Consulting

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Give Bare Bones Consulting a call to discuss our range of HR services to help your business succeed.

Even if you elect to not proceed after our first complimentary consultation you’ll be in a better position to know what’s possible.

We believe our approach to HR is unique... but then again, so is your business.

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Note: Bare Bones Consulting provides HR services for employers. Employees seeking advice on workplace concerns should contact the Fair Work Infoline on 13 13 94.