Servicing Australia wide HR consulting for employers Australia wide.

Free sources of HR expertise

2020 is here and for business owners, the new year means new opportunities for improvement. “I want to do things better than we did last year” is a comment I hear frequently. So perhaps you’re considering engaging an external Consultant to improve your HR function. Before you take that step, why not take advantage of the free sources of HR expertise available to all business owners?

1. Register for “My Account”

My Account is the Fair Work Ombudsman online portal providing employers with workplace help and advice tailored to your business. With My Account, you can:

  • ask for assistance with a workplace issue
  • keep up-to-date with industry and award changes as these apply to your business.
  • save personalised Pay, Shift, Leave and Notice and Redundancy results and calculations

Register for My Account here.

2. Confirm the Modern Award/s applicable to your business and employees

Modern awards (awards) are legal documents outlining the minimum pay rates and conditions of employment. There are more than 120 industry or occupation awards covering most people who work in Australia. Awards apply to employers and employees depending on the industry they work in and the type of job worked.

It’s vital for any business to determine what award/s apply so that you can provide the correct terms and conditions to your employees.

In determining award coverage, employers should consider:

  • Where an employee’s role does not clearly fit into one award or one classification within an award, the “principal purpose” of the employee’s role should be considered.
  • The question of award coverage is not determined by an employee’s title – it is the duties the employee performs that will be of significance.
  • An employer can be covered by more than one award, depending on the jobs employees perform.

Employers should also be aware that if employees are not covered by an industry award they may be covered by an occupational award (for example, the Clerks-Private Sector Award).

We recommend you make contact with FWO to confirm the award/s applicable to you to as an employer as well as any awards that may apply to employees within your business who are performing different jobs. While you can call the Fair Work Infoline for this information, we suggest you lodge an online enquiry through My Account as you’ll receive a written record of FWO’s decision which may be used for future reference and enquiries.

Bare Bones Consulting recognises engaging a Gold Coast HR Consultant can be an expensive exercise. That’s why our approach is different: our clients benefit not only from our ability of providing cost effective, fit for purpose HR documents and advice, but also of our willingness to share free sources of HR expertise when we know these to be a good quality.  And what better source of employment expertise than the Fair Work Ombudsman?

Like to know more? Give us a call or shoot us an online enquiry. And check out the Bare Bones Consulting Facebook page for more free tips that can help your business work smarter, grow stronger and move faster in 2020.

  • PO Box 3956,
    Burleigh Town 4220,
  • 07 5576 4693
  • 0401 279 065
  • Bare Bones Consulting

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Give Bare Bones Consulting a call to discuss our range of HR services to help your business succeed.

Even if you elect to not proceed after our first complimentary consultation you’ll be in a better position to know what’s possible.

We believe our approach to HR is unique... but then again, so is your business.

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Note: Bare Bones Consulting provides HR services for employers. Employees seeking advice on workplace concerns should contact the Fair Work Infoline on 13 13 94.